Linux Hyper-V Resolution
Short post today.
I’ve been using Windows and WSL more often than a regular Linux desktop lately.
When you initially install Linux into a Hyper-V VM, you’ll notice the resolution is something low/awful.
There’s some posts online saying to set the resolution by updating the GRUB command line, but don’t do it.
If you look at the source for hyperv_fb.c. It has this:
Set-VMVideo -VMName Ubuntu -HorizontalResolution 1920 -VerticalResolution 1200 -ResolutionType Single
Run this in an Administrative PowerShell on the Windows Host.
On my Surface Book it looks like:
Set-VMVideo -VMName Fedora -HorizontalResolution 3240 -VerticalResolution 2160 -ResolutionType Single
Which ends up being… scaled by default at 100%. You can go into Settings and set the scaling to 200%, but… this won’t stick between reboots. Setting it using gsettings appears to stick (found on askubuntu):
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "[{'Gdk/WindowScalingFactor', <2>}]"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2
I first put it in my .profile
, but I believe it sticks even without putting it there (I
removed it and it appears to still be working).